GOING THE EXTRA MILE: Definition-going above and beyond what is expected or required.
Realtors are very good at recommending improvements to increase the value of your home. In addition to getting the best price for your home, I will guide you through the challenge of moving. I understand how difficult a move can be, especially if you have small children, heath issues, difficult work load, inherited a property, are being transferred, or a multitude of other challenges. No matter how prepared you think you are, there is always something that you just can’t get done. You are unique and will have unique needs when you buy or sell your home. I will go the extra mile for you as I have done for others.
Here is a list of just some of my extra mile moments:
- Clean a refrigerator, microwave, or oven in the crunch time just before a showing or open house.
- Remove old pet stained carpet and pad, just before the new carpet is installed.
- Return the wifi and cable company equipment left behind after a move.
- Swept up leaves before the new owners arrived so movers didn’t get the new flooring dirty.
- Take unwanted items to a donation facility’s and consignment shops.
- Water the outdoor landscape during a dry spell.
- Provide paint and floor samples for improvements.
- Meet with the electric providers to establish service.